Monday, December 6, 2010
School pro. WikiLeaks Artical
Last year Washington gave a mission to report on critical infrastructure and resources in the respective reporting areas; of course the U.S Ambassador to Canada made a report. yesterday Dec. 5 WikiLeaks release those requested reports along with it most of Canada's vital infrastructure and resource outposts. Sir Malcolm Rifkind said "WikiLeaks had made no credible attempt to find out whether the material could assist terrorists." more evidenced that they are bordering on criminal because this is info that terrorist would like to know. But WikiLeaks said that the document provided further evidence that the U.S. Administration was hoarding sensitive information on countries without their knowledge. WikiLeaks is just exercising freedom of speech.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
school pro. articals #5
Phylo is an online game created to take distracteed mindes into a game were you match sequences together. the game is supposed to help in curing memory loss and stimulate the brains thinking power
Phylo is an online game created to take distracteed mindes into a game were you match sequences together. the game is supposed to help in curing memory loss and stimulate the brains thinking power
school pro. articals #4
Brain Crack
Can u figure out what 357 times 289 is, with out a pen/pencil or a calculator? you done yet. scientists say that your brain can find a face in a crowd of a thousand ind seconds but it takes us a long time to figure simple math. many of the scientists believe that its like a crack in a wall. our brains can rival computers in powers of analysis but simple math can stop us cold. Many scientist will continue to research this flaw in our brain.
Can u figure out what 357 times 289 is, with out a pen/pencil or a calculator? you done yet. scientists say that your brain can find a face in a crowd of a thousand ind seconds but it takes us a long time to figure simple math. many of the scientists believe that its like a crack in a wall. our brains can rival computers in powers of analysis but simple math can stop us cold. Many scientist will continue to research this flaw in our brain.
Monday, November 29, 2010
school pro. Artical summary
Renewed Hope of Life on The Red Planet
Even after 35yrs after the twin Viking rovers land on mars there is no strong evidance of life on the plantet. Although a number of recent dicovories have created a "buzz". Many people are more enthusiastic now.“It is not now considered a stupid idea to look for life on Mars,” says Bruce Jakosky, “In recent years the case has been made again and again that life is or was possible there.”
Even after 35yrs after the twin Viking rovers land on mars there is no strong evidance of life on the plantet. Although a number of recent dicovories have created a "buzz". Many people are more enthusiastic now.“It is not now considered a stupid idea to look for life on Mars,” says Bruce Jakosky, “In recent years the case has been made again and again that life is or was possible there.”
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
School pro. why are these logos sucsessful
Apple logo
This logo is sucsessful because it makes ipods
Treyarch logo

This logo is sucsessful because it makes ipods

This logo is sucsessful because it supports C.O.D
Montreal Canadians logo
This logo is sucsessful because it is for the worlds best team
PlayStation logo
This logo is sucsessful because playstation makes the best game systems
Monday, November 22, 2010
School Pro. Coercive advetising
The ad: Black background, spot light on the car, the car is shinny and new, not a lot of text.
1. Who’s responsible for the ad and what is being advertised?
Cadillac’s new STS.
2. What elements of the ad are coercive?
The way the lighting is on the car, the ad is 2 full magazine pages and, the only thing visible on the page is the car and some small print.
The ad: many models of Boat GPS and sonar, yellow background, paragraphs for “What’s All-New” and “What’s all the same”.
1. Who’s responsible for the ad and what is being advertised?
Eagle boat GPS’s and sonar for 2006
2. What elements of the ad are coercive?
Pictures of multiple models of sonar and GPS, they are “ALL NEW…” and, have “Dual-Search”.
The ad: green background, white print, larger printed slogan.
1. Who’s responsible for the ad and what is being advertised?
All News Radio’s ad for their radio channels in Vancouver and Toronto.
2. What elements of the ad are coercive?
Big print “We mean business.”, straight forward.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
School pro. Where does Homer Simpson exist i the media
Homer Simpson's bio:
Can life get any better for Homer J. Simpson? He juggles the roles of husband, father, safety inspector at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, bowler, beer drinker, astronaut, small business owner and dreamer, and makes it all look easy. But it wasn't always so easy for Homer J. Raised by his father, Abe, who tried to compensate for the absence of Homer's radical hippie mother, Homer graduated at the bottom of his high school class and managed to earn the distinction of being the longest-term entry-level employee at the plant. Together with his high school sweetheart, Marge Bouvier, Homer settled down in Evergreen Terrace, the nicest upper-lower-middle class section of Springfield, to raise his three precious children. Homer is fond of Duff Beer, donuts, Marge's pork chops and watching the Bee Guy on the Spanish channel. His dislikes include his boss, Mr. Burns, yard work and his neighbor, Ned Flanders.
Homer's twitter page: Here can get short timely messages from Homer Simpson .
The Wikipedia page of Homer J. Simpson were u can find his bio, creation process, family, commendations, etc.
This site is randomizer for quotes; click on the Homer Simpson picture and get a different random quote from his quirky adventures.
here you can watch Homer and the rest of the gang in all of T.V show episodes online.
Homer Simpson's bio:
Can life get any better for Homer J. Simpson? He juggles the roles of husband, father, safety inspector at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, bowler, beer drinker, astronaut, small business owner and dreamer, and makes it all look easy. But it wasn't always so easy for Homer J. Raised by his father, Abe, who tried to compensate for the absence of Homer's radical hippie mother, Homer graduated at the bottom of his high school class and managed to earn the distinction of being the longest-term entry-level employee at the plant. Together with his high school sweetheart, Marge Bouvier, Homer settled down in Evergreen Terrace, the nicest upper-lower-middle class section of Springfield, to raise his three precious children. Homer is fond of Duff Beer, donuts, Marge's pork chops and watching the Bee Guy on the Spanish channel. His dislikes include his boss, Mr. Burns, yard work and his neighbor, Ned Flanders.
Homer's twitter page: Here can get short timely messages from Homer Simpson .
The Wikipedia page of Homer J. Simpson were u can find his bio, creation process, family, commendations, etc.
This site is randomizer for quotes; click on the Homer Simpson picture and get a different random quote from his quirky adventures.
here you can watch Homer and the rest of the gang in all of T.V show episodes online.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
school pro. artical sum nov. 2
Nuclear stock pile is reduced. The pentagon command said that the US has only 5113 active war heads after the all time high of 31,225 in 1967. the nuclear post also said the Russian stoke pile is down to 4,830 after topping out at around 45,000. there are 111 active missile sites around the world, Russia has the most with 48 and USA has second with 15 homeland and 6 foreign facilities.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
school pro. essay
Too many people get guns from too many places
In the US people can get guns from too many places and it’s too easy for them to get weapons, ammo and, accessories. When Mr. Moore walks into multiple businesses like the bank opens an account and receives a weapon. I quote “…do ya think it’s a little dangerous handing out guns in a bank?” There was an ad in the paper witch informed Mr. Moore about the account and gun deal, it reads: More BANG for your buck! Receive world famous Weatherby firearm and now our money back when you invest in a Weatherby Certificate of Deposit. Dozens of other rifles and shotgun listed as well as Callaway golf clubs and other items.
After Mr. Moore finishes up at the bank and leaves with his new gun he needs to go get ammo for his weapon. Mr. More is at a barber shop getting a hair cut when he get ask for “… a box of 270’s…” for his new rifle from the bank and one of the workers walk over to a glass case full of bullets and returns with Moore’s ammo. Two rather odd places: a bank that hands out rifles and a barber shop that sells bullets. It just too easy to get this stuff; a clip from a Chris Rock (the comedian) concert he say how we don’t gun control “we need some bullet control, that’s right we need to control the bullets. I think that ever bullet should cost $5000, $5000 for a bullet, you know why because if a bullet cost $5000 there would be no more innocent bystanders.” Basically meaning no innocent person would shot because “they just put $5000 worth of bullets in his head.” According to Chris Rock anyway. Near the end of the documentary Mr Moore is with two of the boys from Columbine shooting who survived being shot by K-Mart bullet and one suggest they go to K-Mart and buy out all the bullets and so they did after that demonstration K-Mart stopped selling bullets.
On the 20th of April 1999, two boys walked into Columbine high school and massacred the school; the boys killed 12 students and a teacher, also injuring 21 other students directly and 3 students who were trying to escape. The murders used a variety of weapons purchased from gun shows and K-Mart bullets. It was just all too easy for these two boys to ravage that school; but these where high school students, what about the 6-yr old boy who found a loaded gun in his uncles house, brought it to school and shot another 6yr old? The murder of 6yr old Kayla was the youngest school shooting in U.S. It really is too easy to get weapons from too many places in the U.S.
Monday, October 4, 2010
school pro. artical summary
Test-tube baby pioneer Robert Edwards wins Nobel medicine prize
Dr. Robert Edwards from Britain won the Nobel Prize for medicine for the invention of in-vitro fertilization with witch an egg cell is taken, fertilized and, placed in side the womb. The technology was developed to help infertile woman have children. Dr. Edward developed the technology with his friend Dr. Patrick Steptoe who died in 1988. The chance of the IVF cycle working is the same as naturally conceiving. Today over 4,000,000 children have been born bring joy to families who had thought the had no chance of conception.
Monday, September 27, 2010
School pro. 5w's
Pastor rethinks Qur'an burnig
who: Terry Jones
what: Qur'an burning called off
where: Florida
when: sept. 11 2010
why: plans to build mosque neer ground zero called off
Police may have shot Canadians in Philippines hostage-taking
who: Ken, Jessie, and Doris Leung
what: Killed in hostage situation
where: The Philippines
when: tuesday sept. 7
why: police were ill-equipped
who: Terry Jones
what: Qur'an burning called off
where: Florida
when: sept. 11 2010
why: plans to build mosque neer ground zero called off
Police may have shot Canadians in Philippines hostage-taking
who: Ken, Jessie, and Doris Leung
what: Killed in hostage situation
where: The Philippines
when: tuesday sept. 7
why: police were ill-equipped
Thursday, September 23, 2010
school pro. editorials
Students are baffled and outraged by the increase of school rules and strictness. Many old rules are being more strictly reinforced, punishment for minor things like forgetting to take off your hat in class could end you up with out a toque in the harsh Saskatchewan winter and, new rules emplaced such as the controversial no energy drinks rules haven’t exactly got the new principal on many of the students’ good side.
The strictness of the rules this year was unexpected; of course not even half of students had a clue who the new principal would be. Hague High School has had a tough time over the last few years having a different principal every year since 2007 to present. Even with the changing principals the rules from the time Mr. Kirby was principal (principal at Hague for many years before starting a different principal job else were) hadn’t changed at all till now and we haven’t had any problem with those rules.
Why would the new principal change these rules? Maybe she’s trying to make this school a better place or maybe these are the rules she had used before coming to Hague. These rules are probably used else were in the district so it’s not like we’ve got it so bad. These rules and the strictness that are emplaced are there to teach us how to be respectful and responsible. Rules like the no energy drinks in school rule is emplace because those drinks aren’t very healthy and they make u hyper during class time which is not so easy on the teachers, and rules like the no hats and no food rules had been there but they were strongly disregarded by most students because of the lack of serious consequence.
Then again most of the consequences surrounding simple and minor rules are equal to the rules being 30 minutes late for class. From example last year if you wore a hat as you walked in the class you’d be told to remove it from you head this year if your told more than once you lose it for the class. What most teachers don’t realise is that most people were hats so mush that they can’t tell if it’s on or not and they will often forget their hat is on; so really the old way for this particular rule maybe better. People especially students around high school age are extremely possessive of even the smallest of items (hats, shoes, etc.) it can be felt as a threat to the condition of the item.
So maybe these rules are harsh and maybe they aren’t so bad, but they are different. They are harsher and more numerous than before and it may take some time to for many students to adapt to these changes.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
School Pro. Parts of a news paper
- Anka vs. Bieber
- Coach Miller takes blame for debacle
- Frost warnings this week
- StarPhoenix
- Bridge options defined
- Sask. Hopeful for stadium funds
- Wait for long-term care worries family
- Council sets four possibilities for the future look of Traffic Bridge
- Province wants feds to fund Regina facility, but backlash brewing
- Assessment process for legally blind senior resulted in frustration
- The statue of Saskatoon's founder John Lake looks over the barricaded Traffic Bridge Monday
- photo by Gord Waldner
Friday, September 10, 2010
School Pro. Unit 1 Terms
Conglomerate: a company with multipul subcompanies under it
Demographic: a social group people
Early Adopter: people who are cool before there style is marketed
Coolhunting: looking for cool
The paradox of Coolhunting: cool things become uncool when marketed
Synergy: combined action or functioning
Horizontal Integration: sneeking in a marketing campain into culture
Ancillary Markets: generally refers to markets for feature films created by new television technologies
The feedback loop: feed back to companies and companies changing things creating more feed back
Demographic: a social group people
Early Adopter: people who are cool before there style is marketed
Coolhunting: looking for cool
The paradox of Coolhunting: cool things become uncool when marketed
Synergy: combined action or functioning
Horizontal Integration: sneeking in a marketing campain into culture
Ancillary Markets: generally refers to markets for feature films created by new television technologies
The feedback loop: feed back to companies and companies changing things creating more feed back
Thursday, September 9, 2010
School Pro. compare the relation ship of Mcdonalds and Disney to the relationship tlked about in "The Merchants Of Cool' video
Ray Kroc (founder of Mcdonalds) and Walt Disney werw very good friends they grew up in the same area they both served in the same medic core in the army after ward they both persued the course of child targeted companies. By the time they grew into big companies they still had a relationship and the both had a dependace on each other. In The Merchants Of Cool they talked about the relation between what is cool and how to market it before they make it uncool. The brands depend on something to be cool themselves to know about it, and on on that thing to not change bfore that thing become uncool
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
School Pro. Who owns what?
Sony Owns:
Vaio laptops
Bravia T.V's
Sony DVD players
Sony Blue Ray Players
Sony Home Theatre
boogie Cameras
Handyman Camcorders
NEX Digital Camaras
Vaio laptops
Bravia T.V's
Sony DVD players
Sony Blue Ray Players
Sony Home Theatre
boogie Cameras
Handyman Camcorders
NEX Digital Camaras
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Skool Blog Pro. What is cool
Definition: Cool is what ever a person finds apeeling to them with in his/her culture. Cool to me is: C.O.D, System of a Down, hoodies, PS3, purple, Facebook, jeans, cars, history, war, hockey, football, Star Wars, Simpsons, Family Guy, T.V, and computers.
Monday, August 30, 2010
School Blog Pro. 1
Vans brand targets skater and extreme sport people. The web page shows multipul ads in the middle.
Warehouse One targets the average person, the site displays their wide aray of jeans, graphic tees and, hoodies.
school is to early and week ends are to short
It hard to get up in the mornig after a busy weekend while ur perants and little brother are gone else were for the short 2 day's leeving me and my older sister alone at home (party!) then there was a lot of this after -_-zzZZ
Friday, August 27, 2010
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