Tuesday, January 11, 2011

artical sum. #7

researchers have coaxed a microbe to build itself with arsenic in the place of phosphorus, an unprecedented substitution of one of the six essential ingredients of life. The bacterium appears to have incorporated a form of arsenic into its cellular machinery, and even its DNA

Monday, December 6, 2010

School pro. WikiLeaks Artical

Last year Washington gave a mission to report on critical infrastructure and resources in the respective reporting areas; of course the U.S Ambassador to Canada made a report. yesterday Dec. 5 WikiLeaks release those requested reports along with it most of Canada's vital infrastructure and resource outposts. Sir Malcolm Rifkind said "WikiLeaks had made no credible attempt to find out whether the material could assist terrorists." more evidenced that they are bordering on criminal because this is info that terrorist would like to know. But WikiLeaks said that the document provided further evidence that the U.S. Administration was hoarding sensitive information on countries without their knowledge. WikiLeaks is just exercising freedom of speech.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

school pro. articals #5


Phylo is an online game created to take distracteed mindes into a game were you match sequences together. the game is supposed to help in curing memory loss and stimulate the brains thinking power

school pro. articals #4

Brain Crack

Can u figure out what 357 times 289 is, with out a pen/pencil or a calculator? you done yet. scientists say that your brain can find a face in a crowd of a thousand ind seconds but it takes us a long time to figure simple math. many of the scientists believe that its like a crack in a wall. our brains can rival computers in powers of analysis but simple math can stop us cold. Many scientist will continue to research this flaw in our brain.

Monday, November 29, 2010

school pro. Artical summary

Renewed Hope of Life on The Red Planet

Even after 35yrs after the twin Viking rovers land on mars there is no strong evidance of life on the plantet. Although a number of recent dicovories have created a "buzz". Many people are more enthusiastic now.“It is not now considered a stupid idea to look for life on Mars,” says Bruce Jakosky, “In recent years the case has been made again and again that life is or was possible there.”

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

School pro. why are these logos sucsessful

Apple logo

This logo is sucsessful because it makes ipods

 Treyarch logo
This logo is sucsessful because it supports C.O.D

Montreal Canadians logo

This logo is sucsessful because it is for the worlds best team

PlayStation logo

This logo is sucsessful because playstation makes the best game systems